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Accident History Inspection (190-Points)

Online resources are not accurate for accident history, this physical inspection is all you need.

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Online resources often fall short when it comes to providing a comprehensive accident history for GCC cars. That's where our Accident History Inspection comes in. This specialized 190-point inspection is designed to give you a detailed understanding of the vehicle's current cosmetic condition. Our thorough exterior examination covers the chassis and subframe condition, identifies minor vs. major accidents, checks for dents, scratches, and faded panels, and assesses the front and rear windscreen condition. On the interior, we inspect the overall condition and ensure all features are functioning properly. This inspection is ideal for those who want to know the true cosmetic state of a vehicle. ✓ Inspection At Seller's Location ✓ Exterior Paint Condition ✓ Chassis Condition Report ✓ Accident History ✓ Electrical System ✓ Interior Features & Condition ✓ Photos of faults ✓ Instant report ​ Not Included: - Engine Check - Transmission - Suspension - Rims, Tires Condition - Under Body Examination - Flooding & Visual Rust - Computer Diagnostic Test - Brake System & Rims For a more in-depth look at the car's mechanical health, we recommend opting for our comprehensive inspection service.

45 د
بدءًا من 275 درهم إماراتي
مكان العميل

تفاصيل جهة الاتصال


Head Office BeSoji Mobile Pre Purchase Inspection, In5 Innovation Centre - Dubai - United Arab Emirates


تقدم BeSoji خدمات سيارات مبتكرة، مثل فحص السيارات المتنقل، الصيانة عند الباب وتجديد تسجيل السيارات. يتم ضمان معاملاتنا التجارية وتنظيمها وفقًا لقوانين ولوائح دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. تعتبر BeSoji جزءًا من مجموعة TransTech.

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المقر الرئيسي: in5 Tech، شارع الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود، بالقرب من محطة الترام وإقامة قرطبة

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